Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This year, woman became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women. More women than men get a college degree. For years, women have struggled for equality but, now, modern, postindustrial society has enabled them to surpass men in economic importance. Physical strength and size are no longer more important than social intelligence and good communication skills, areas in which women have an edge. Women are more empathetic, better consensus-seekers, better lateral thinkers, and bring superior moral sensibility to bear on the business world. Women tend to be cool and levelheaded. Men, spurred by testosterone, tend to make reckless decisions. In the future, women will dominate the middle class. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women earn 60% of college degrees. Men dominate just two of the 15 job categories projected to grow the most over the next decade: janitor and computer engineer. Women have everything else!

The unprecedented role reversal now under way will have vast cultural consequences. Men will no longer dominate positions of control and influence. Global culture is already reflecting the economic and political power of women. In 162 countries, the greater the power of women, the greater the country’s economic success. My advice for today’s young men is: learn how to do house work and become a good lover!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


An African bull elephant can weigh as much as 20,000 pounds. They can run 25 miles an hour for short distances. Their skin is one inch thick and extremely tough. Even with a high-powered big game gun, a shot in the body will not stop a charging bull. The skin on the head is easier to pierce with a bullet but a bullet in the head will not necessarily stop the elephant. In order to stop the charge, you must hit the brain. The brain, which is hidden inside the massive head, is only the size of a football. You must wait until the charging elephant is within 30 yards of you before you shoot. You only have one chance to hit the brain within the bouncing head that is coming to trample you to death.

I was recently in Africa visiting some of my friends who are members of the Masai Tribe. They gather the wild bee honey that I use to make the mead that I sell under the brand name of, “GET MERRY WITH HARRY ON MEAD”. There was a mad bull elephant that was terrorizing their village. They wanted Bwana Harry to rid them of this menace. So, I took up the hunt. I was cautiously tracking the beast through dense jungle when suddenly he appeared 20 yards in front of me. He shook his head violently, gave a loud trumpet blast through his trunk and charged directly at me! Calmly, I aimed at the second crease of his trunk and between his eyes. It was a perfect brain shot. The giant animal fell dead at my feet.

That evening, we feasted on elephant’s testicles and drank mead until we were merry. Wow, an imagination is a wonderful thing; don’t you think?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


There is a bird in Africa that helps the natives find honey. It is called the Honeyguide bird (Prodotiscus Insignis). For thousands of years, this bird has helped human beings to find hidden bee hives in hollow trees. It loves to eat the wax and larvae of the honey bee but it needs help to break into the bee collonies. A remarkable partnership has developed between these birds and the African natives. It has a unique chattering song that attracts the attention of the natives. Then, it flies ahead, making sure the native is following to the hidden bee's nest. Once the native opens the hive and takes the honey, the bird feasts on the remaining wax and larvae. This is a marvelous, symbiotic relationship between bird and man.

Next month I am going to bring some Honeyguide birds to Michigan to assist me in finding honey for my new business, "GET MERRY WITH HARRY ON MEAD". I will be prancing through the jungle with a large butterfly net capturing these birds. Please wish me luck!
Click on the following link:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Who knows what is outside Plato’s cave? No one knows, unless they have been there. The problem is, no one has been there. Great Poets have tried to describe it but have failed and committed suicide. Famous mathematicians have tried to explain it but have failed and committed suicide. So far, the mystery of life defies understanding by the human mind. Truth and certainty are illusive. How big is infinity? Can anyone really understand God? Some mysteries are not only illusive, but also dangerous to pursue. It is better to let the mystery be. Accept life as a gift, filled with joys and sorrows, and make the best of it! That is my philosophy. What is yours?

Have you ever wondered which web sites are the most popular on the Internet? Well, here they are:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Another one added every 12 seconds. It was an impossible job with the equipment they provided.
Finally, I gave up, accepted a government pension, and returned to retirement on the lake.
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